How will I know when I made a sale?

When anyone makes a purchase through your personalized KicKee Storefront, you'll automatically be alerted via email!

When will I receive my commission from my sales?

Once you have made a sale from your storefront, you will earn that commission by the first business day of the following month.

Can I edit products on my KicKee Storefront?

Of course! Our collections are always changing. You can select/change your advertised products or collections any time by clicking the '+ Add' button located above your product and content feed. If you'd like to add products to an existing collection, select 'Products'. If you'd like to create a new collection, click 'Collection.' Keep in mind, you will only see this button if you are signed in, so always make sure you are signed in to your storefront. You can sign in by clicking the gear icon on your storefront banner.

Can I edit the post images on my KicKee Storefront?

At this time, your content will be auto filled directly from your Instagram and TikTok that tags or mentions @kickeepants. In the future, when you tag @kickeepants in your posts those new posts will appear on your personalized storefront page. If you would like to change your profile picture, we would recommend changing the profile on your Instagram profile. If you would like a post removed from your page, please contact hello@kickeepants.com.

Who do I contact if I have any questions?

The Lotus Dots, our Customer Connection Team, is always eager to help! Email them any time! hello@kickeepants.com